Virtual Monthly Meeting – January 14,2020

The Gloucester Democratic City Committee will be holding a virtual meeting on Thursday, January 14th at 7:00 PM. Members and friends may participate with video using Zoom on a computer or mobile device or may call in using a traditional phone.

This month, as we have done in past January meetings, we are dedicating the time in which we would normally have a guest speaker to open the floor to our members to discuss the past year. Topics may include the presidential election, Georgia special elections, Trump’s various attempts to invalidate the election, the insurrection at the Capitol, and more. Members and guests are welcome to speak and will be asked to keep the discussion relevant and timely to ensure that as many people have a chance to contribute as possible.

Members should review the previous meeting’s minutes prior to this month’s meeting.

To join the meeting using Zoom, click or tap here ( when the meeting is scheduled to start. Alternatively, you can enter meeting ID 881-1416-3468 and password 402675 into Zoom to join. To join the meeting by phone, dial 1-929-436-2866, enter meeting ID 881-1416-3468, press pound (#) when asked for a participant ID, and enter password 402675.

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