Message from the Chair, September 2020

We have come to the end of what turned out to be an exceptionally unique primary season. We were blessed by the caliber of candidates who put themselves forth for elected office this cycle.

Though they did not prevail, Jamie Belsito and Angus McQuilken ran campaigns with solid fountations and true convictions. It would be hard to find two more passionate, knowledgeable, and well-prepared individuals to run for any office. Congratulations to Seth Moulton, who will undoubtedly take the experiences of this primary to heart as he heads into the general election and back to Capitol Hill. Based on previous history, I have every confidence in him that he will.

The same can also be said of our race for U.S. Senate. Though Joe Kennedy III came up short in this primary, this does not diminish his accomplishments, skill, or his bona fides as a progressive leader. While he will not be headed to either chamber of Congress next year, he will undoubtedly continue fighting for our shared Democratic ideals, whatever his next destination may be. We expect to see him again soon. Congratulation to Ed Markey, whose election is paramount as Democrats across the country aim to retake the Senate.

Now we find ourselves locked at last in the final fifty-something days of this election. We face a man who has referred to our servicemen and women as “losers” and a party that defends him for doing so. A man who last week defended a vigilante gunman who killed two people and seriously wounded a third – all the while yelling about “law and order.” Mr. President, teenage vigilantes crossing state lines with AR-15s to shoot unarmed protesters is the very opposite of “law and order.” It is a sad state of affairs when a president and his followers require this to be spelled out for them. None of his local supporters – or the local GOP candidates for Congress or U.S. Senate – have publicly shamed him for these remarks. How profoundly morally bankrupt must he act before they do?

If you haven’t yet gotten involved, now is the time. While the polls show that Joe Biden is ahead in almost every swing state, we still need to do the work of getting out the vote. We will not be able to go to these states to canvass, rally, and physically drive folks to the polls as we usually might. Instead, we need to be on the phones, helping folks to navigate the new and sometimes complex voting processes of the COVID-19 era. The time is now to step up and help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win the White House, and save our republic from the disease that is Donald Trump and his administration.

You can find more information about how to get involved here. Please sign up today!

Democratically yours,
Matthew C. Murray

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