2021 Caucus and June Monthly Meeting

The Gloucester Democratic City Committee (GDCC) will hold their caucus to elect convention delegates on Thursday, June 17 at the Gloucester Fraternity Club, 27 Webster St., Gloucester.

Voting to elect 16 delegates and 16 alternates to the 2021 Massachusetts Democratic State Platform Convention will be by wards, each of which has an allocated number of delegates. Registration for the caucus will open at 5:30 PM and anyone interested must be checked in by 6 PM. Participants must be registered Democrats.

This year’s state convention will be held on September 25, 2021, at the Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell. Democrats from across the Commonwealth will come together to adopt a new party platform for the 2022 election cycle.

The GDCC caucus will precede the June monthly meeting with special guest speaker, Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards. Edwards has led efforts to protect Boston’s affordable housing stock through innovative and bold policy proposals and will be speaking on the HOMES Act and Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH) zoning report.

Members and friends are welcome to attend. This will be an in-person meeting event that begins with Registration and Caucus at 5:30 PM, followed by GDCC business meeting at 7 PM, and speaker program from 7:30 to 8:45 PM.

For more information contact GDCC Chair Matthew Murray with any caucus questions at chair@gloucesterdemocrats.org or at 978-239-2205.

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